Thursday, 28 November 2013

The last day in the Gymnasium of Lukow
Taking our certificates 

Cooking in the school canteen for the Lukowian Night

Saying the sweetest word, COMENIUS

Celebrating with Mr. Artur Baranowski, the Polish Coordinator

kindergardens at Lukow

Visiting kindergardens at Lukow

Our students are teaching about Unesco Heritage in Greece and especially about Ancient Olympia
Working in small groups and trying to learn about Ancient Olympia

Lamprini Roufogali and Eva Antoniou are giving an Ldl lesson

Making a poster about the ancient olympic games

Bilology and history lessons in Reserwat Przyrody JATA

Visiting Poland on November (17/11-23/11/2013)
The first day
Task: school presentation
All the comenius teachers who visited Poland

The coordinators of all countries

The students of 1rst Gymnasioum of Mandra presenting their school